Hook your next hire today!

Interview & Hire, highly qualified Skilled Trades & Manufacturing professional 

4 ways to catch your next hire

Access the largest network of skilled trades & manufacturing professionals


Standard 30-Job posting

Post your job and get ready to catch

Broad Exposure

Tap into an expansive candidate pool, making your opportunity visible to a diverse array of job seekers.

User-Friendly Interface

Our straightforward posting process means you can set your bait with ease and precision, no complex setups required.

Sustained Visibility

With a month-long presence, your job is continuously showcased, ensuring it's seen by both early birds and latecomers in the job market.

Budget-Friendly Solution

Ideal for those dipping their toes in the talent search without wanting to invest heavily upfront.


Featured 30-day Job Posting

Use a shiny LURE to attract more and better candidates

Spotlight Attraction

Stand out in a crowded market with a job posting that's designed to shine brighter than the rest.

Prime Positioning

Secure a coveted spot at the forefront of potential candidates' searches, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Enhanced Interaction

Experience a surge in applicant interest, driving more views, applications, and interactions with your job ad.

Focused Reach

Zero in on the ideal candidates by targeting those most suited to the role, reducing the time spent on unsuitable applications.


Ultra Search 30-day Package

Using the Nh3jobs network, your job ad will be put directly in hands of candidates who have the skill and experience you need

Aggressive Candidate Pursuit

Actively seek out top talent, employing a more assertive approach than passive advertisement allows.

Targeted Ad Campaign

Receive text & email outbound campaigns crafted specifically for your vacancy, ensuring messages resonate with the desired audience.

Hybrid Visibilit

Enjoy the benefits of both widespread exposure and targeted attraction, maximizing your reach across all fronts.

Expert Guidance

Benefit from the expertise of seasoned recruiters, providing you with the support and advice needed to navigate the complexities of talent acquisition.


Active Search 60-day Package

No Waiting, Nh3jobs actively searches and pre-screens skill trades & manufacturing pros to find your perfect hire

Strategic Talent Acquisition

Employ a holistic strategy, meticulously crafted to meet your specific hiring needs and overcome challenges.

Unparalleled Sourcing Depth

Access a deeper talent pool with the effort to uncover the best candidates, even those not actively seeking new roles.

Custom-Tailored Engagement

Engage candidates on a personal level with messaging that speaks directly to their interests and professional aspirations.

Elite Candidate Shortlist

Receive a handpicked selection of top-tier candidates, each rigorously vetted and considered the best fit for your needs, ensuring quality over quantity.

Have questions?

Wondering which service level fits your needs? Schedule your demo today and discover the perfect job board solution tailored for your success.”

  • Access to skilled trades & manufacturing professionals
  • Chose the level of service that fits your hiring needs
  • Find and hire qualified candidates fast
  • Premium job advertisement and marketing campaigns
  • Hiring solutions & pricing that works 


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4-Expert Secrets, Find & Hire Skilled Trades Workers!

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