Ready to hire a great team?

Tap into a whole world of talent & engage directly with Skilled Trades & Manufacturing Professionals 

Guarantee Hire


No risk whatsoever!

  • 30 day Featured Job Advertisement
  • Custom Text & Email  Campaign
  • Reasonable 10% fee upon a successful hire
  • 90 day Guarantee
  • With Guarantee Hire, your job posting is 100% Free.  Pay nothing until your first successful hire!

30 Day Featured Job Posting

    Attract more candidates in less time!

  • 30 day Featured Job Advertisement
  • Find the right talent with less work
  • Spotlight attraction, stand out in the crowd
  • Experience a surge in applicant interest
  • Elevate your hiring process with our Featured Job Posting service! Designed to attract more candidates in less time.

Active Search Package ($1499/month, 2-month commitment)

  • Advanced strategic hiring call
  • 60 day Featured Job Advertisement
  • 60 day Ultra Source Marketing Campaign
  • Uncover hiring barriers, provide tailored solutions
  • Hand-select up to 100 premium candidates
  • Phone verify each candidate matches must haves
  • Deliver 5 to 8 pre-screened, vetted candidates
  • No additional fees upon hiring!
  • Our team collaborates with you to pinpoint hiring challenges and offer proven solutions. Utilizing our exclusive database, we select candidates meeting your criteria, engage them through phone, text, and email, and only deliver the best 5 to 8 candidates who are highly qualified and want to interview for your position.

Can’t decide which plan is right for you?

Hiring Managers love Us ;D


Common Questions

Considering the intricacies of the role you’re looking to fill, along with the specific skills and experience needed, selecting the most effective method to connect with the ideal candidate is crucial. We recommend setting up a discovery call with us. During this friendly and informative chat, we’ll guide you through the various options available, ensuring you select the best solution tailored to your requirements. Let’s ensure you find the perfect fit for your team!

If you’re planning to post over 10 jobs, reach out to our team to learn about our special discount pricing.

Our 60 Day Active Search Package boasts an impressive 70% success rate with the majority of clients being past clients who we have worked with for many years.

Direct customer support is provided with all of our products. Our team is hear to ensure you have the best experience possible.

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All 30-day & 60-day subscriptions can be cancelled at any time and no additional subscription fees will be charged however no refunds will be issued previously purchased items.